
【概説】「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道




その9―第2部 無知で卑劣なラムザイヤー批判者たち

第7章 ソク・ジョンの悪質な誹謗中傷





実はこれは、とんでもない大ウソなのです。ラムザイヤー論文の脚注には、“U.S. Office of War Information Report No. 49, Oct. 1,”が載っています。これは、ビルマで米軍が韓国人慰安婦に尋問した記録です。ここには、「募集」という項目があり、そこに「自ら署名した契約により、前借の金の額に応じ半年から1年の仕事に従事させられた。」と契約について明確に書かれているのです。








 令和4年3月4日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道


“Comfort Women” All Signed a Contract of Agreement

—Impact of the Ramseyer Article

Arima Tetsuo, Professor, Waseda University

(English Translation: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Facts)

Series No. 8: Part II: Ignorant and Nasty Critics against Ramseyer

Chapter 7: Jennie Suk Gersen’s malicious slander


Jennie Suk Gersen is a professor at Harvard Law School. She is regarded as one of Ramseyer’s most strident critics. Her criticism, though, is very minor in nature. She engages, however, in mostly lying and demagoguery, which are very much beneath most academics.

   She wrote in the Korean newspaper Joong Ang Ilbo;

“I examined the references of Professor Ramseyer’s article and found out that there were no contracts related to South Korean women at the wartime comfort stations nor secondary sources indicating the presence of contracts in question.”

This statement is in fact a sheer lie. Among the references cited in Ramseyer’s paper is “U.S. Office of War Information, 1944, Interrogation Report No. 49, October 1, 1944, in Josei (1997:5-203).” The US Army interrogated Korean comfort women captured in Burma, and so this report is very reliable and very important. It contains as Preface, and sections on Recruiting, Personality, Living and working conditions, prior system, Pay and living condition. The “Recruiting” section clearly mentions:

“The contract they signed bound them to Army regulations and to war for the “house master” for a period of from six months to a year depending on the family debt for which they were advanced … ”

  Therefore, Suk’s statement, that “there were no contracts” is plainly a lie. Are academics allowed to state such lies in the media? Since the information in Ramseyer’s note is not trivial but very long, it is not the case that Suk overlooked it. If so, then she needs to openly apologize for her grievous error—which she has yet to do.

   Furthermore, based on Suk’s lie, South Korean Minister of Gender Equality and Family Chung Young-ai is said to have claimed that Ramseyer’s paper was fundamentally flawed.

   The fact is that sheer lies concerning the comfort women are spread throughout the world by academics who claim to know better.   




MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman

for KASE Hideaki, Chairman

Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Phone: 03-3519-4366

Fax: 03-3519-4367



Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.