
【書評・紹介】「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道

【書 評】




書評者 タダシ・ハマ(日本語訳:「史実を世界に発信する会」 )


 これは、アマゾンのon-demand 出版ではありますが、欧米でもようやくまともな慰安婦論が本としても出てきたのは、大変喜ばしい限りです。われわれが、英文で様々なサイドからこの問題を発信してきたことが、それなりの貢献をしているのではないかと自負している次第です。










令和元年8月26日 「史実を世界に発信する会」 茂木弘道


<Book Review>

Inconvenient and Uncomfortable: 

Transcending Japan’s Comfort Women Paradigm

Marshal Wordsworth

CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2018

Reviewed by Tadashi Hama


We are pleased that a straight-to-the-point book on the Comfort Women has been written by an American and published in the US, even though it is through Amazon’s on-demand publishing. We would like to think that our previous efforts in disseminating books and articles on this subject through our website and by other means have contributed to the emergence of books like this, and this one in particular. 

Here is Mr. Tadashi Hama’s overview of the book:


The Korean nationalists, human rights activists and the mass media characterize Japan’s war-time brothel system as a “state-sponsored sexual slavery system involving a systematically organized illegal and immoral military operation.”  Much of the details of the Japanese military brothel system, documented by the US military in war-time and post-war prisoner interrogations and captured Japanese documents that showed that these accusations were false, have been in the public realm for some time, yet they have been either downplayed or studiously ignored by Korean nationalists and their allies.  Writer Marshall Wordsworth collects the facts and offers his reflection on the World War II Japanese military brothel system.  In fact, the current book offers much for reflection, not only on the true nature of the Japanese military brothel system but also on the comfort women’s role during the war.


   Korean nationalists, western media, intellectuals and human rights groups, with blind obedience,  continue to support the Comfort Women story and espouse “justice” (revenge?) in terms of “violations of human rights” and “criminal” behavior. Readers of this book will immediately see how stupid and how unscrupulous they are.




Book Review: HTML:



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Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.